Neural Rendering and Beyond

Blog Posts of My Research Interest

Add Gaussian Splatting to Your Website

Tutorial for Adding Custom GS Scene w/ Three-js

eng kor

Don't Rasterize, But Ray Trace 3D Gaussian

In-Depth Review of 3D Gaussian Ray Tracing by NVIDIA

eng kor

A Comprehensive Analysis of Gaussian Splatting Rasterization

Understanding 3D Gaussian Splatting's Rasterization Algorithm

eng kor

Radiance Fields from Deep-based Structure-from-Motion

Comparison of Deep-Based SfM algorithms; VGGSfM & MAsT3R


Under the 3D: Geometrically Accurate 2D Gaussian Splatting

Detailed Review of 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields

eng kor

Is Diffusion's Estimated Depth Really Good?

Making Mesh (2.5D images) from Estimated Monocular Depth Map by Diffusion

eng kor

Can Sora Understand 3D?

Radiance Fields Reconstruction from Sora; Video Generative AI


Can NeRF be Used in Game?

Explore Limitations NeRF and How to Work Around Them

eng kor

Instant-NGP Review & Re-Implementation

Review of Instant-NGP and PyTorch Re-Implementation
of Multi-Resolution Hash Encoding


Why Positional Encoding Makes NeRF more Powerful

Review of Fourier Features Let Networks Learn High-Frequency Functions in Low-Dimensional Domains
