Computer Vision · Neural Rendering
Hello, I'm Vision AI Researcher

Hwan Heo


About Me

Hello, my name is Hwan Heo, an AI Researcher.

I'm currently working at Graphics AI Lab in NCSOFT, where I fulfill as a Technical Research Personnel for Alternative Military Service. I received my B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Korea University in 2020 and 2022, respectively. During my Master’s program, I was advised by Prof. Hyunwoo J. Kim. My research primarily focuses on 3D Computer Vision and Neural Rendering, with a particular emphasis on Radiance Fields and 3D Gaussian Splatting. I'm passionate about exploring innovative techniques and contributing to the cutting-edge developments in these fascinating fields.



2023 - Present
AI Researcher
Graphics AI Lab, NCSOFT
  • Neural Rendering in Game Engine

  • Accelerated 3D Asset Generation via Multi-View RGB/Normal Diffusion

Research Intern
AI Lab, Naver Corp.
  • NeRF Research: Robust Camera Pose Refinement for Multi-Resolution Hash Encoding (ICML'23)


2020 - 2022
Korea University
Seoul, South Korea
  • Master's degree in Computer Science
  • Advisor: prof. Hyunwoo J. Kim

2015 - 2020
Korea University
Seoul, South Korea
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science
  • Advisor: prof. Heui-Seok Lim


  • DreamSurfels: Generative Gaussian Surfels for Geometrically Accurate 3D Content Creation

    Hwan Heo, S. Ahn [ICTC 2024] (oral, to appear)

  • Robust Camera Pose Refinement for Multi-Resolution Hash Encoding

    Hwan Heo, T. Kim, J. Lee, J. Lee, S. Kim, H. J. Kim, JH. Kim [ICML 2023]

  • Semantic-aware Occlusion Filtering Neural Radiance Fields in the Wild

    J. Lee, I. Kim, Hwan Heo, H. J. Kim [preprint]

  • Consistency Learning via Decoding Path Augmentation for Transformers in Human Object Interaction Detection

    J. Park, S. Lee, Hwan Heo, H. Choi, H. J. Kim [CVPR 2022]

  • Domain Generalization Emerges from Dreaming

    Hwan Heo, Y. Oh, J. Lee, H. J. Kim [preprint]

  • Temporally Sparse Adversarial Perturbations on Videos

    Hwan Heo, D. Ko, J. Lee, Y. Hong, H. J. Kim [IEEE Access 2021]

Research Interest

Computer Vision
Neural Rendering
3D Generation




+82 10-2295-9546